Dr. Jan Anderson, PsyD, LPCC
Feel Better. Function Better.
Counseling depth with coaching practicality
helping you thrive!
Building resilience. Strengthening relationships. Redefining success. Reconnecting estranged families.
Building resilience. Strengthening relationships. Redefining success. Reconnecting estranged families.
Featured In
Unlock Your Potential
Transform your challenges into opportunities for meaningful growth with my personalized approach that combines neuroscience, proven
therapeutic techniques, and coaching strategies designed
for high achievers.
Redefine Success
on Your Terms
Navigate personal and professional hurdles without sacrificing your well-being. Experience collaborative and evidence-based mental health
care that fosters self-compassion, genuine connections, and
resilience—all while maintaining your competitive edge.
Elevate Your Life and Relationships
Heal family rifts, enhance communication, and achieve
your goals without burning out. Experience a tailored roadmap
to overcome life's complexities, ensuring you thrive personally
and professionally.
Am I the right helping professional for you? Schedule a consultation to find out!
Busy schedule? I offer remote sessions via Zoom!